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The focus of a coaching is on the future, to go forward.


The aim of the whole process is to help the coachee reach pre-defined goals while bringing them to their full autonomy. Coaching is a non-directive reflection process where the coachee finds their own way and takes full responsibility of their decisions.

The process:

​Preliminary meeting to introduce all parties and the needs to be worked on.

​Deep analysis of the coachee’s needs, demand and goals to define the coaching contract. This meeting may include any other stakeholders if the coaching request originates from the coachee’s organisation.

​Coaching meetings where we analyse the situation, explore all needed dimensions, open up a whole range of possibilities and options, evaluate the resources and competencies, the priorities, the consequences, test and try, as for the coachee to build up their own action plan. Each meeting may have its own sub-goals as to reach the global objectives.

Follow-up of the action plan.​

​Review of the results vs the original objectives.​

A review at mid-coaching can also be planned if necessary with all the stakeholders involved.

Coaching doesn't follow a linear process: stages 2, 3 and 4 can be repeated if need be.

Each meeting usually lasts between 1hrs30min to 2hrs and takes place on an average every three weeks.

Coaching services are offered in French and in English, in face-to-face or virtual meetings.

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